Sunday, April 17, 2011

Converting to a Distance Learning Format

Consider the following scenario: A training manager has been frustrated with the quality of communication among trainees in his face-to-face training sessions and wants to try something new. With his supervisor’s permission, the trainer plans to convert all current training modules to a blended learning format, which would provide trainees and trainers the opportunity to interact with each other and learn the material in both a face-to-face and online environment. In addition, he is considering putting all of his training materials on a server so that the trainees have access to resources and assignments at all times.

Converting a traditional course to a blended model requires some consideration.  Identifying the need and the available resources facilitates tools for the instructor to integrate new tools into the learning experience.  There is a need for a pre-planning phase, a plan that should be developed and followed by the instructor, activities that will make the content alive and the need for evaluation of the learning process and the design of the course.  With this in mind, the following best practices guide has been develop.  This guide includes tips and aspects to consider.   There is also a checklist of aspects that should be considered before, during and after the implementation process.

Click on the image below to access the best practices guide.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Evylyn,

    It's Charisse! I just wanted to compliment you on your awesome best practices guide. You really did a great job!
